Earn $600 Daily with YouTube Shorts Using AI

4 min readJun 27, 2024


Earn $600 Daily with YouTube Shorts Using AI
Step-by-Step Guide to Automated Video Creation

Tired of spending hours editing videos only to get a few hundred views? What if I told you there was a way to create engaging YouTube Shorts in minutes using AI, allowing you to earn $600 a day in passive income?

In this guide, I’ll show you how to find trending topics, summarize articles into video scripts, generate professional videos automatically with clips and voiceover, and post on YouTube to get thousands of views daily while monetizing with affiliate offers.

Finding Trending Topics

The first step is to identify a trending topic that people are actively searching for. This helps your video rank higher and attracts more views. A great place to start is Google News. They categorize articles by topics like US, World, Business, Entertainment, and more. Scanning through these categories can help you find recently published articles on hot topics.

For example, let’s say you come across an article about a recent sports match between two popular teams. Copy the full text of the article for reference.

Summarizing the Article into a Script

Next, you’ll need to summarize the article into a script format suitable for a YouTube Shorts video. Open ChatGPT and prompt: “Turn this sports article into a 60-second YouTube Shorts script.” After pasting in the article, ChatGPT will return a rewritten script focusing only on the key details, removing unnecessary elements like character names.

If the initial script is too long for a 60-second video, ask ChatGPT to shorten it by half. This will give you a concise script that hits all the important points while respecting the time limit. Now you have your video script without any copyright issues, simply by rewriting the information in a new format.

Read More: How to Make $3,850 a Week with ChatGPT and Google Docs - Totally Free!

Generating the Video

With the script ready, it’s time to generate the video using Clipwise. Paste the shortened script into the prompt box on Clipwise. Next, select the design options. Choose an “Informative” tone to match the news topic, a “Chill” visual theme, and add some upbeat background music. For the voiceover, select the male option “Mic” since he has clear diction that conveys the information effectively.

After reviewing your choices, click “Generate” to start the process. Within a few minutes, Clipwise will turn the script into a full 59-second video complete with footage, animations, captions, and professional narration. You can preview the output and ensure everything looks good before downloading the video file.

Creating high-quality videos used to require expensive software and tech skills, but with Clipwise, even a complete beginner can generate pro-level videos in just minutes!

Sharing and Monetizing Your Video

Now it’s time to share the video and start getting views. Upload it directly to YouTube using the default settings. For the title, use the main keywords from the article to target relevant searchers. In the description, include more details and link to an affiliate offer selling sports merchandise.

YouTube Shorts get pushed to more viewers right away compared to long videos. So, within hours, you might already have a few hundred views. To maximize reach, also post the video to your TikTok and Instagram profiles. With the right hashtags and captions, these platforms can help expand your audience even more.

As views grow, so will your affiliate commissions. In just a few days, one video alone can generate over $500! Combined with YouTube ads, your total profits can easily exceed $600.

Scaling Your Strategy

The best part is that this process takes under 30 minutes once you get the hang of it. Start by finding 2–3 new articles each day to create fresh videos. To stay consistent, use tools like Feedly to auto-import news and a project management app to schedule your video creation.

In less than a week, you could be making multiple videos per day across different topics. This allows you to gain thousands of subscribers and average $600 profits daily from passive income.

Read More: Earn 10$ - 20$ Money Per Day Watching YouTube Videos


Ready to start automating video creation and cashing in on the booming market for short-form content? Follow these steps:

  1. Find trending news articles using Google News.
  2. Summarize articles into video scripts using ChatGPT.
  3. Generate high-quality videos automatically using Clipwise.
  4. Post videos to YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram to maximize reach.
  5. Monetize with affiliate links for recurring passive income.

With the right tools, you can automate much of this process to produce multiple videos per day. Just 30 minutes of your time can generate over $600 through YouTube Shorts alone.

I hope you found this guide valuable and are ready to start creating your own videos. Let me know if you have any other questions!




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